Liquidation definition

What is Liquidation in Accounting?

Liquidation is the process of selling off the assets of an entity, settling its liabilities, distributing any remaining funds to shareholders, and closing it down as a legal entity. This situation may arise when the partners in a business are no longer willing to run it and have no buyers for the business; in this case, the liquidation process is completed in an orderly manner, sometimes over an extended period of time, in order to maximize the value of the firm’s assets.

The liquidation process is also a possible outcome of bankruptcy, which a company enters when it does not have sufficient funds to pay its creditors. A bankruptcy filing can be voluntary or involuntary. A petition to liquidate a company can be made to the applicable court by creditors who have not been paid by the company; if granted, the business will involuntarily enter bankruptcy.

Liquidation Order of Preference

If a business is being liquidated due to bankruptcy, then the funds raised are first used to pay creditors; if there is any cash remaining after creditors have been paid, the residual amount is distributed among the shareholders. The order of preference for being paid when an entity is liquidated (known as the priority of claims) is as follows:

  1. Secured creditors (senior position)

  2. Secured creditors (junior position)

  3. Unsecured creditors

  4. Holders of preferred stock

  5. Holders of common stock

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The price received for a company's assets can be lower than expected if the sale is conducted on a rush basis. This is because the seller does not have sufficient time to locate the largest possible pool of potential buyers, so that the few buyers contacted can bid lower and still expect to achieve the winning bids. Consequently, a common outcome of liquidation is that no residual funds are left over to pay stockholders. This may also mean that there is not enough cash left to even pay creditors. If so, the secured creditors are paid first, and a reduced payout plan is used to pay any remaining funds to the unsecured creditors.

Liquidation Example

As an example of a corporate liquidation, Unlucky Corporation is closing down due to insolvency. After selling its assets, the company has $500,000 in cash available to distribute. Its liabilities and shareholder equity are as follows:


  • Secured creditors (bank loan secured by machinery): $150,000

  • Unpaid wages to employees (priority claims): $50,000

  • Taxes owed to the government: $70,000

  • Unsecured creditors (trade payables): $180,000


  • Preferred shareholders: $30,000 (cumulative preference shares)

  • Common shareholders: Remainder, if any.

Based on the preceding information, the order of distribution is as follows:

  1. Secured creditors. Secured creditors are paid first from the proceeds of the sale of the secured assets (machinery). Since $150,000 is owed to secured creditors and sufficient funds are available, they are paid $150,000 in full.

  2. Priority claims (employees' unpaid wages). Employees’ unpaid wages are considered a priority claim. They are owed $50,000, and this amount is paid in full.

    Remaining funds: $500,000 - $150,000 - $50,000 = $300,000

  3. Government taxes. Taxes owed to the government are paid next. The company owes $70,000 in taxes, which is paid in full.

    Remaining funds: $300,000 - $70,000 = $230,000

  4. Unsecured creditors. Unsecured creditors, such as trade payables, are paid after secured creditors and priority claims. They are owed $180,000. Since sufficient funds remain, they are paid in full.

    Remaining funds: $230,000 - $180,000 = $50,000

  5. Preferred shareholders. Preferred shareholders are entitled to $30,000. This amount is paid next.

    Remaining funds: $50,000 - $30,000 = $20,000

  6. Common shareholders. The remaining $20,000 is distributed among common shareholders as per their ownership stakes.

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