Science Fiction Novels by Steven Bragg

Under an Autumn Sun: Book 1 of The Auditors Trilogy
The earth is warming fast, but that is not the only problem facing the world. Billionaire David King suspects that an alien virus is about to obliterate the entire population. Pairing with a former supreme court justice, he sets up a master plan to save humanity. If only humanity would cooperate... [buy]

Available in paperback and on Kindles everywhere.

Author’s note: I have been deeply troubled by the absence of auditors and accountants from science fiction. This book remedies the situation.

Early Winter: Book 2 in The Auditors Trilogy
The Earth is about to be attacked by an alien virus, so billionaire David King and his team of auditors race to prepare for it. This can be difficult, since he cannot warn the population in advance. Luckily, there are some unusual ways to prepare for the coming onslaught… [buy]

Available in paperback and on Kindles everywhere.

Author’s note: For hard-core accountants, this book even contains a reference to asset retirement obligations!