Accounting CPE Courses & Books
Payroll Management
Biometric time clocks
Payroll controls
Payroll cycles
Payroll metrics
Payroll streamlining, part 1
Payroll streamlining, part 2
Payroll streamlining, part 3
Payroll streamlining, part 4
Timekeeping by telephone
Accrued payroll
Benefits accrual accounting
Bonus accrual
Commission expense accounting
How to account for unpaid wages
How to calculate payroll tax liabilities
How to record an advance to an employee
Payroll accounting
Payroll entries
Payroll procedure
Wage accrual
Graduated wage
Gross earnings
Gross pay
Gross salary
Gross wages
How to calculate a commission
How to calculate accrued vacation pay
How to calculate payroll
Net pay
Overtime pay calculation
Overtime premium
Piece rate pay calculation
Shift differential
The common paymaster rule
The employer FICA match
Can payroll cards replace direct deposit?
Direct deposit
Definition of an employee
W-2 contractor
Advanced timekeeping systems
Buddy punching
Exception time reporting
Payroll cards
Time card
Time sheet
Time ticket
Bimonthly payroll
Biweekly payroll
Converting employees to a new pay period
Pay period
The difference between semimonthly and biweekly payroll
Payroll register
The payroll journal
Where do payroll taxes appear in the financial statements?
Fringe benefit rate
How to calculate employee turnover
How to calculate FTEs
Payroll cycle
Pros and cons of outsourcing payroll
Payroll internal controls
Are payroll withholding taxes an expense or a liability?
The difference between salary and wages
Types of payroll fraud
What is payroll?
Working off the books
Ghost employee
Payroll costs
Payroll taxes
Salaries expense
Accounting Books
College Textbooks
Finance Books
Operations Books
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