Accounting CPE Courses & Books
Guide to Audit Working Papers
How to Conduct an Audit Engagement
Internal Auditing Guidebook
Adding value to internal audits
Forensic accounting investigations
How to handle auditors
Profit recovery: internal auditing
Profit recovery: overview
Profit recovery: vendor relationship management
Recovery auditing
Review engagements
Risk assessment suite
The compilation engagement
The future of auditing
Auditors as relationship managers
Control assessments
Internal audit
Just-in-time audits
The auditor skills matrix
The self-audit guide
Accountant's liability
Adverse opinion
Agreed-upon procedures
Assurance services
Attest function
Attestation engagement
Audit adjustments
Audit cycle
Audit engagement
Auditor's opinion
Auditor’s report
Clean opinion
Comfort letter
Disclaimer of opinion
Due professional care
Except-for opinion
Financial statement assertions
Management assertions in auditing
Management representation letter
Negative assurance
Opinion shopping
Piecemeal opinion
Qualified opinion
Unqualified opinion
Write-up work
Compliance audit
Contract auditing
Detailed audit
Eligibility audits
Expense report audits
External audit
Financial audit
Financial statement audit
Financial statement review
Forensic audit
Fraud audit
Group audit
Horizontal audit
Integrated audit
Interim audit
Limited audit
Management audit
Operational audit
Performance audit
Preliminary audit
Social audit
Special audit
Statutory audit
Types of audits
Audit approach
Audit documentation
Audit plan
Audit program
Audit report
Audit strategy
Audit trail
Audit working papers
Certified financial statement
Lead schedule
Long-form report
Permanent file
Supporting schedule
The accounts receivable confirmation
Work papers
Written representations
Accounts receivable auditing
Alternative procedures
Analytical procedures
Analytical review
Audit data analytics
Audit objectives
Audit process
Audit procedures
Bank transfer schedule
Concurrent audit techniques
Embedded audit module
Inventory audit procedures
Inventory observation
Negative confirmation
Positive confirmation
Substantive procedures
Tolerable deviation rate
Top-down approach to auditing
Allowance for sampling risk
Attribute sampling
Audit risk
Audit risk model
Audit sampling
Audit test
Block sampling
Compliance test
Detection risk
Discovery sampling
Dual-purpose test
Engagement risk
Haphazard sampling
Inherent risk
Judgment sample
Monetary unit sampling
Non-statistical sampling
Nonsampling risk
Performance materiality
Planned detection risk
Reasonableness test
Risk of incorrect acceptance
Risk of incorrect rejection
Sampling risk
Sequential sampling
Stop-or-go sampling
Substantive testing
Tests of controls
Tests of details
Variables sampling
Walk-through test
Predecessor auditor
Successor auditor
The audit specialist
Audit committee
Audit tick marks
Government Auditing Standards
Relevant assertion
Risk of material misstatement
Scope limitation
The difference between an audit, a review, and a compilation
The difference between internal and external audits
The difference between SOC type 1 and type 2 reports
The paperless audit
The purpose of an audit
Tolerable misstatement
Attest client
Attest engagement team
Attorney's Letter
Audit evidence
Audit failure
Confidential client information
Covered member
Direct financial interest
Due care
Financial interest
Indirect financial interest
Material misstatement
Post audit
Present fairly
Reasonable assurance
Report release date
Source document
Special purpose framework
Accounting Books
College Textbooks
Finance Books
Operations Books
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