Accounting CPE Courses & Books
Accounting for Intangible Assets
Accounting for Investments
Asset accounts
Asset classification
Examples of assets
Intangible asset accounting
Intellectual property
Interest receivable
Loans receivable
Long-term assets
Net current assets
Net receivables
Noncurrent asset
Nonmonetary asset
Operating assets
Operating current assets
Other assets
Other current assets
Prepaid advertising
Prepaid asset
Prepaid dues
Restricted cash
Short term asset
Types of assets
Asset valuation
Fair value accounting
Liquidation value
The difference between book value and market value
The fair value option
The market approach
Unadjusted basis
Asset impairment procedure
Goodwill amortization
Goodwill impairment
Goodwill impairment testing
How frequently to test for goodwill impairment
Impaired asset
Impairment loss
The other-than-temporary impairment concept
Accounting for investments
Available for sale securities
Notes receivable accounting
Securities accounting
The cost method of accounting for investments
The equity method
Trade date vs. settlement date accounting
Prepaid expenses accounting
Prepaid expenses procedure
Prepaid rent accounting
Accounting for startup costs
Asset recognition criteria
Is advertising an expense or an asset?
The cash over and short account
The difference between assets and liabilities
When to capitalize interest cost
Where petty cash appears in the balance sheet
Contingent asset
Contra asset
Deferred asset
Financial asset
Liquid asset
Monetary asset
Quick assets
Soft asset
Tangible asset
Total assets
Accounting Books
College Textbooks
Finance Books
Operations Books
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