New Jersey CPE Requirements

The New Jersey State Board of Accountancy CPE requirements are as follows:

What is the New Jersey License Renewal Deadline?

Every three years, by December 31

What is the New Jersey CPE Reporting Period?

Every three years, from January 1 to December 31

What are the New Jersey CPE Requirements?

120 hours are required for each three-year reporting period.

At least 20 hours per year.

Must include at least 24 credits in the areas of accounting or auditing, which may include review and compilation, for licensees who are engaged in the practice of public accountancy.

Must include at least 60 hours in technical subjects.

Up to 30 hours of the CPE requirement can come from the preparation of published articles and books.

The credit for service as a lecturer is capped at 60 hours.

What is the New Jersey Ethics Requirement?

Must include four hours of the required 120 hours in the New Jersey law and ethics course.

Allowable New Jersey Course Providers

The Board accepts courses from NASBA sponsors. AccountingTools is a registered sponsor with NASBA.
Go to AccountingTools Courses

New Jersey CPE Rule Reference

Subchapter 6

New Hampshire CPE Requirements

The New Hampshire Board of Accountancy CPE requirements are as follows:

What is the New Hampshire License Renewal Deadline?

Related Courses

Ethics for New Hampshire

Once every three years, on June 30

What is the New Hampshire CPE Reporting Period?

Once every three years, from July 1 to June 30

What are the New Hampshire CPE Requirements?

120 hours every three years.

At least 20 hours per year; carryover hours do not apply to this total.

Up to 60 hours of CPE in excess of the required 120 hours may be carried over to the next succeeding triennial period.

Up to 50% of the CPE requirement can come from the preparation of published articles and books.

The credit for service as a lecturer is equal to half of the total required hours.

What is the New Hampshire Ethics Requirement?

At least four hours of ethics must be earned every three years.

Note: The AccountingTools Ethics for New Hampshire course fulfills these requirements.

Allowable New Hampshire Course Providers

The Board accepts courses from NASBA sponsors. AccountingTools is a registered sponsor with NASBA.
Go to AccountingTools Courses

New Hampshire CPE Rule Reference

Chapter AC 400

Nevada CPE Requirements

The Nevada State Board of Accountancy CPE requirements are noted below.

What is the Nevada License Renewal Deadline?

Related Courses

Ethics for Nevada

Annually, by December 31

What is the Nevada CPE Reporting Period?

Every two years, from January 1 to December 31

What are the Nevada CPE Requirements?

80 hours of CPE are required every two years.

At least 40 hours must be taken in each year.

If you participated in any audit, review, full disclosure compilation or attestation in the past 12 months, you must complete 8 hours in CPE that focuses on accounting and auditing.

The credit for service as a lecturer is equal to the preparation time and presentation time, where preparation time is capped at twice the presentation time.

What is the Nevada Ethics Requirement?

At least four hours of ethics training must be completed every two years.

Note: The AccountingTools Ethics for Nevada course fulfills this requirement.

Allowable Nevada Course Providers

The Board accepts courses from NASBA sponsors. AccountingTools is a registered sponsor with NASBA.
Go to AccountingTools Courses

Nevada CPE Rule Reference

NRS 628

Nebraska CPE Requirements

The Nebraska State Board of Public Accountancy CPE requirements are as follows:

What is the Nebraska License Renewal Deadline?

Related Courses

Ethics for Nebraska

Every other year, by June 30

What is the Nebraska CPE Reporting Period?

Every other year, from January 1 to December 31

What are the Nebraska CPE Requirements?

80 hours required for every two-year period.

Up to 16 hours (20%) of personal development courses can be reported in every two-year period.

The Board recommends that any permit holder performing audits, reviews or compilations obtain a minimum of 40% of the required credit hours in Accounting and Auditing coursework.

Up to 16 hours of the CPE requirement can come from the preparation of published articles and books.

The credit for service as a lecturer cannot exceed 40 hours in one renewal period.

How Many Self-Study Credit Hours Can a Nebraska CPA Take?

Self-study is limited to 40 hours for each renewal period.

What is the Nebraska Ethics Requirement?

Four hours of ethics training every two years.

Note: The AccountingTools Ethics for Nebraska course fulfills these requirements.

Allowable Nebraska Course Providers

The Board accepts courses from NASBA sponsors. AccountingTools is a registered sponsor with NASBA.
Go to AccountingTools Courses

Nebraska CPE Rule Reference

Chapter 8

Montana CPE Requirements

The Montana Board of Public Accountants CPE requirements are noted below.

What is the Montana License Renewal Deadline?

Related Courses

Ethics for Montana

Annually, by December 31

What is the Montana CPE Reporting Period?

Once every three years, from January 1 to December 31

What are the Montana CPE Requirements?

120 hours of CPE are required every three years.

At least 60 hours of CPE must be in technical fields of study.

Up to 25% of the CPE requirement can come from the preparation of published articles and books.

The credit for service as a lecturer is capped at 50% of total CPE hours.

What is the Montana Ethics Requirement?

At least two hours must be in professional ethics every three years.

Note: The AccountingTools Ethics for Montana course fulfills these requirements.

Allowable Montana Course Providers

The Board accepts courses from NASBA sponsors. AccountingTools is a registered sponsor with NASBA.
Go to AccountingTools Courses

Montana CPE Rule Reference


Missouri CPE Requirements

The Missouri State Board of Accountancy CPE requirements are noted below.

What is the Missouri License Renewal Deadline?

Related Courses

Ethics for Missouri

Every other year, by September 30

What is the Missouri CPE Reporting Period?

Annually, from January 1 to December 31

What are the Missouri CPE Requirements?

At least 40 hours of CPE are required per calendar year, of which two hours must be in ethics.

There is a 90-day grace period in which to complete the annual CPE requirement.

Up to two hours of the CPE requirement per reporting period can come from the preparation of published articles and books.

The credit for service as a lecturer is equal to the presentation and presentation time, which is capped at twice the number of actual hours of the lecture; no additional credit is allowed for repeating a lecture, unless it has been substantially altered.

What is the Missouri Ethics Requirement?

Two hours per year of ethics training are required.

Note: The AccountingTools Ethics for Missouri course fulfills this requirement.

Allowable Missouri Course Providers

The Board accepts courses from NASBA sponsors. AccountingTools is a registered sponsor with NASBA.
Go to AccountingTools Courses

Missouri CPE Rule Reference

20 CSR 2010-4

Mississippi CPE Requirements

The Mississippi State Board of Public Accountancy CPE requirements are noted below.

What is the Mississippi License Renewal Deadline?

Related Courses

Ethics for Mississippi

Annually, by December 31

What is the Mississippi CPE Reporting Period?

Annually, from July 1 to June 30

What are the Mississippi CPE Requirements?

40 hours of CPE are required for each year.

Excess hours earned up to a maximum of 20 CPE hours may be carried over and applied to the CPE requirement for the immediately following one year compliance period.

No more than 20 hours of CPE credit for personal development courses may be claimed in a CPE compliance year.

You can apply to the Board for CPE credit relating to the preparation of published articles and books.

The credit for service as a lecturer matches the preparation time and is capped at twice the number of actual hours of the lecture; no credit is allowed for repeats.

What is the Mississippi Ethics Requirement?

At least four hours in ethics every three years, with the course material in professional conduct and public accountancy law and regulations, and at least one of these hours for Mississippi Public Accountancy Law and Regulations.

Note: The AccountingTools Ethics for Mississippi course fulfills this requirement.

Allowable Mississippi Course Providers

The Board accepts courses from NASBA-QAS sponsors. AccountingTools is a registered sponsor with NASBA-QAS.
Go to AccountingTools Courses

Mississippi CPE Rule Reference

Part 1, Chapter 4

Minnesota CPE Requirements

The Minnesota State Board of Accountancy CPE requirements are noted below:

What is the Minnesota License Renewal Deadline?

Related Courses

Ethics for Minnesota

Annually, by December 31

What is the Minnesota CPE Reporting Period?

Every three years for the period July 1 to June 30, reported by December 31

What are the Minnesota CPE Requirements?

120 hours are required for the three-year reporting period.

At least 20 hours of CPE are required per year.

A minimum of 60 hours must be obtained from technical learning activities (which includes accounting, auditing, business law, economics, finance, information technology, management services, regulatory ethics, specialized knowledge, statistics, and taxes).

At least 24 hours must be obtained from attending group or blended learning programs.

Up to 60 hours of the CPE requirement can come from the preparation of published articles and books.

The maximum credit for service as a lecturer is 60 hours.

No carryforward of excess hours is allowed.

What is the Minnesota Ethics Requirement?

At least eight hours must be in regulatory or behavioral ethics during the three-year period.

Note: The AccountingTools Ethics for Minnesota course fulfills these requirements.

Allowable Minnesota Course Providers

The Board accepts courses from NASBA sponsors. AccountingTools is a registered sponsor with NASBA.
Go to AccountingTools Courses

Minnesota CPE Rule Reference

Chapter 1105

Michigan CPE Requirements

The Michigan Board of Accountancy CPE requirements are noted below.

What is the Michigan License Renewal Deadline?

Related Courses

Ethics for Michigan

Every other year, on July 1

What is the Michigan CPE Reporting Period?

Every other year on odd-numbered years, from July 1 to June 30

What are the Michigan CPE Requirements?

80 hours of CPE are required every two years.

A minimum of 40 hours of CPE is required each year.

A minimum of eight hours of CPE in accounting and auditing are required each year, of which no more than half can be from self-study or nano-learning programs.

A maximum of 20 hours of CPE per year can be from self-study and/or nano learning.

The credit for service as a lecturer is equal to three times the number of actual hours of the lecture.

Up to 40 hours earned in excess of 40 hours in a year can be carried forward into the following year. A total of eight accounting and auditing hours can be carried forward in this manner, as can two hours of ethics.

What is the Michigan Ethics Requirement?

Four hours of ethics is required every two years, with at least two hours in each year. This must include one hour of Michigan Statutes and Administrative Rules that apply to public accountancy.

Note: AccountingTools does not provide training in the one required hour of Michigan Statutes and Administrative Rules, since the provision of this training is restricted by the Board.

Allowable Michigan Course Providers

The Board accepts courses from NASBA sponsors. AccountingTools is a registered sponsor with NASBA.
Go to AccountingTools Courses

Michigan CPE Rule Reference

Accountancy Administrative Rules, Part 3

Massachusetts CPE Requirements

The Massachusetts Board of Public Accountancy CPE requirements are noted below.

What is the Massachusetts License Renewal Deadline?

Related Courses

Ethics for Massachusetts

Every two years, by June 30

What is the Massachusetts CPE Reporting Period?

Every two years, from July 1 to June 30

What are the Massachusetts CPE Requirements?

80 are hours required every two years.

Up to 25% of the CPE requirement can come from the preparation of published articles and books.

The credit for service as a lecturer is capped at half of the total hours required.

What is the Massachusetts Ethics Requirement?

At least four hours of professional ethics every two years.

Note: The AccountingTools Ethics for Massachusetts course fulfills this requirement.

Allowable Massachusetts Course Providers

The Board accepts courses from NASBA sponsors. AccountingTools is a registered sponsor with NASBA.
Go to AccountingTools Courses

Massachusetts CPE Rule Reference

Rule 2.14

Maryland CPE Requirements

The Maryland Board of Public Accountancy CPE requirements are noted below.

What is the Maryland License Renewal Deadline?

Related Courses

Ethics for Maryland

Every two years, based on the date of issuance.

What is the Maryland CPE Reporting Period?

The two years prior to the application date.

What are the Maryland CPE Requirements?

80 hours are required for the two-year period.

Up to 80 CPE hours are required in addition to the first 80 hours that a CPA reports are eligible to be credited for use the next time the CPA renews his or her license. Continuing education hours in ethics in excess of the required four hours in each license period can be used as ordinary CPE.

Up to 40 hours of the CPE requirement can come from the preparation of published articles and books.

The credit for service as a lecturer is three credit hours for every hour of lecture.

What is the Maryland Ethics Requirement?

Four hours of ethics training for each two-year period.

Note: The AccountingTools Ethics for Maryland course fulfills this requirement.

Allowable Maryland Course Providers

The Board accepts courses from NASBA sponsors. AccountingTools is a registered sponsor with NASBA.
Go to AccountingTools Courses

Maryland CPE Rule Reference

COMAR 09.24.02

Maine CPE Requirements

The Maine Board of Accountancy CPE requirements are noted below.

What is the Maine License Renewal Deadline?

Related Courses

Ethics for Maine

Annually, by September 30

What is the Maine CPE Reporting Period?

Annually, from October 1 to September 30

What are the Maine CPE Requirements?

40 hours are required in each year.

A maximum of 50% of the total hours may be in these areas:

  • Communication arts

  • Mathematics, statistics, probability and quantitative applications in business

  • Economics

  • Business, securities and administrative law

  • Human resources policies

  • Computer software applications

Up to 50% of the CPE requirement can come from the preparation of published articles and books.

The credit for service as a lecturer is equal to three times the number of actual hours of the lecture; no additional credit is allowed for repeating a lecture, unless there are substantial changes to the material.

What is the Maine Ethics Requirement?

Four hours of CPE in ethics every 3 years. Acceptable CPE in ethics may include a program of study of the accountancy laws and rules of the State of Maine, including the Rules of Professional Conduct set forth in Chapter 8 of the board’s rules, or equivalent standards of the Securities Exchange Commission, the AICPA, or similar regulatory agency or professional organization.

Note: The AccountingTools Ethics for Maine course fulfills these requirements.

Allowable Maine Course Providers

The Board accepts courses from NASBA sponsors. AccountingTools is a registered sponsor with NASBA.
Go to AccountingTools Courses

Maine CPE Rule Reference

Chapter 8

Louisiana CPE Requirements

The State Board of Certified Public Accountants of Louisiana CPE requirements are noted below.

What is the Louisiana License Renewal Deadline?

Annually, by December 31

What is the Louisiana CPE Reporting Period?

Annually, from January 1 to December 31

What are the Louisiana CPE Requirements?

80 hours must be completed every two years.

At least 20 hours of CPE are required every year.

CPAs who participate in attest engagements during the year must earn at least eight hours of CPE in accounting and auditing courses in that year.

Up to 10 hours of the CPE requirement can come from the preparation of published articles and books.

The credit for service as a lecturer is capped at 20 hours per year; no additional credit is allowed for repeating a lecture.

What is the Louisiana Ethics Requirement?

Must take a Board-approved three-hour CPE course.

Allowable Louisiana Course Providers

The Board accepts courses from NASBA sponsors. AccountingTools is a registered sponsor with NASBA.
Go to AccountingTools Courses

Louisiana CPE Rule Reference

Chapter 13

Kentucky CPE Requirements

The Kentucky Board of Accountancy CPE requirements are noted below.

What is the Kentucky License Renewal Deadline?

Related Courses

Ethics for Kentucky

On August 1 every other year; those with even license numbers renew on even-numbered years, and those with odd license numbers renew on odd-numbered years

What is the Kentucky CPE Reporting Period?

The two-year period from January 1 to December 31 , prior to the license renewal date

What are the Kentucky CPE Requirements?

Complete 80 hours of CPE, if you worked 3,000 hours or more in a public accounting firm during the reporting period (includes 40 hours in technical subjects).

Complete 60 hours of CPE, if you worked less than 3,000 hours in a public accounting firm during the reporting period (includes 30 hours in technical subjects).

Complete 60 hours of CPE, if you were employed in industry, education or government during the reporting period.

The following areas are not considered to be acceptable areas for CPE: Personal growth or development, self-realization, spirituality, personal health or fitness, sports and recreation, and foreign languages or cultures.

Up to 25% of the CPE requirement can come from the preparation of published articles and books.

The credit for service as a lecturer is capped at 60% of the total CPE requirement; no additional credit is allowed for repeating a lecture.

What is the Kentucky Ethics Requirement?

At least two hours must be earned in a qualifying ethics course.

Note: The AccountingTools Ethics for Kentucky course fulfills this requirement.

What Areas of Study are Allowed for Kentucky CPAs?

The Board considers the following fields of study to be acceptable: Accounting and finance, auditing, taxation, business management services, information technology, business communications, statistics, ethics, economics, business law, securities, marketing, and specialized areas of industry that contribute directly to the professional competence of a licensee.

Allowable Kentucky Course Providers

The Board accepts courses from NASBA sponsors. AccountingTools is a registered sponsor with NASBA.
Go to AccountingTools Courses

Kentucky CPE Rule Reference

Rule 325.330

Kentucky Board of Accountancy Address

332 West Broadway, Suite 310
Louisville, KY 40202
Phone: 502-595-3037

Kansas CPE Requirements

The Kansas Board of Accountancy CPE requirements are noted below.

What is the Kansas License Renewal Deadline?

Related Courses

Ethics for Kansas

On June 30 every other year, based on CPA certificate number, where those with an even certificate number register in even-numbered years and those with an odd certificate number register in odd-numbered years

What is the Kansas CPE Reporting Period?

Reported every two years, for the period July 1 to June 30; reporting matches the license renewal date

What are the Kansas CPE Requirements?

80 hours are required for the two-year period.

If licensed as a municipal public accountant, you must report at least eight hours per year in municipal accounting and auditing.

May carry over a maximum of 20 hours of CPE earned in the previous renewal period.

Hours from personal development courses shall not exceed 30 percent of the total number of CPE hours reported.

Any author of a published article or book and any writer of a CPE program may receive CPE credit for the actual research and writing time.

The credit for service as a lecturer is capped at 50 percent of the total number of CPE hours reported.

What is the Kansas Ethics Requirement?

At least two hours of professional ethics relating to the practice of public accountancy.

Note: The AccountingTools Ethics for Kansas course fulfills these requirements.

What Areas of Study are Allowed for Kansas CPAs?

The Board states in its rules, “Programs addressing the subjects of accounting, auditing, consulting services, specialized knowledge and applications, taxation, management of a practice, ethics, or personal development may qualify as acceptable continuing education .”

Allowable Kansas Course Providers

The Board accepts courses from NASBA sponsors. AccountingTools is a registered sponsor with NASBA.
Go to AccountingTools Courses

Kansas CPE Rule Reference

Article 4

Kansas Board of Accountancy Address

900 SW Jackson, Suite 556
Topeka, KS 66612-1239
Phone: 785-296-2162

Iowa CPE Requirements

The Iowa Accountancy Examining Board CPE requirements are noted below.

What is the Iowa License Renewal Deadline?

Related Courses

Ethics for Iowa

Annually, by June 30

What is the Iowa CPE Reporting Period?

From January 1 to December 31 in the three years preceding the renewal date, or from July 1 to June 30 in the three years preceding the renewal date

What are the Iowa CPE Requirements?

120 hours are required every three years.

Eight hours of CPE are required relating to financial statement presentation, if the CPA is responsible for supervising compilation services.

Up to 50% of the CPE requirement can be earned in non-technical subjects.

Up to 50% of the CPE requirement can be earned through self-study courses.

Up to 25% of the CPE requirement can come from the preparation of published articles and books.

The credit for service as a lecturer is limited to 50% of the hours required.

What is the Iowa Ethics Requirement?

Four hours of ethics and rules of professional conduct during the three-year period.

Note: The AccountingTools Ethics for Iowa course fulfills these requirements.

What Areas of Study are Allowed for Iowa CPAs?

The Board states in its rules, “The overriding consideration in determining whether a specific program qualifies as acceptable continuing education is that it be a formal program of learning which contributes directly to the professional competence of an individual certified or licensed in this state. It will be left to each individual certificate holder or license holder to determine the technical or nontechnical professional skills courses of study to be pursued. Thus, the auditor may study accounting and auditing, the tax practitioner may study taxes, and the management advisory services practitioner may study subjects related to such practice.”

Allowable Iowa Course Providers

The Board accepts courses from NASBA sponsors. AccountingTools is a registered sponsor with NASBA.
Go to AccountingTools Courses

Iowa CPE Rule Reference


Iowa Board of Accountancy Address

6200 Park Avenue
Des Moines, IA 50321
Phone: 515-725-9022

Indiana CPE Requirements

The Indiana Board of Accountancy CPE requirements are noted below.

What is the Indiana License Renewal Deadline?

Related Courses

Ethics for Indiana

Once every three years, by June 30

What is the Indiana CPE Reporting Period?

Once every three years, from January 1 to December 31

What are the Indiana CPE requirements?

A minimum of 120 total hours are required during the three year reporting period.

A minimum of 20 hours are required per calendar year.

No less than 10% of the total hours (12 hours) for the reporting period must be in Accounting and/or Auditing.

No more than 50% of the required 120 hours for the reporting period will be accepted as self study.

No more than 50% of the total hours can come from course instruction, which is not accepted when a college instructor is teaching on a daily basis.

What is the Indiana Ethics Requirement?

At least four hours of ethics in each three-year period.

Note: The AccountingTools Ethics for Indiana course fulfills this requirement.

What Areas of Study are Allowed for Indiana CPAs?

To qualify as a continuing professional education course, it must be one “which is formally organized, is primarily instructional, and contributes directly to… professional competence in the practice of public accountancy.”

Allowable Indiana Course Providers

The Board accepts courses from NASBA sponsors. AccountingTools is a registered sponsor with NASBA.
Go to AccountingTools Courses

Indiana CPE Rule Reference

Section 872 IAC 1-3

Indiana Board of Accountancy Address

402 West Washington Street
Indianapolis, IN 46204-2246
Office: 317-234-8800

Illinois CPE Requirements

The Illinois Board of Examiners CPE requirements are noted below.

What is the Illinois License Renewal Deadline?

Related Courses

Ethics for Illinois

Once every three years, by September 30

What is the Illinois CPE Reporting Period?

Once every three years, from October 1 to September 30

What are the Illinois CPE Requirements?

120 hours are required in each three-year period.

No more than 80 hours are allowed for self-study courses, with a cap of 60 hours on non-interactive self-study courses.

No more than 24 hours are allowed in personal development courses.

One hour of sexual harassment prevention training is required.

Up to 30 hours of the CPE requirement can come from the preparation of published articles and books.

The credit for service as a lecturer is equal to the lecture time and preparation time, where the presentation time is limited to twice the lecture time, and is capped at 60 hours.

What is the Illinois Ethics Requirement?

At least four hours of ethics in each three-year period.

Note: The AccountingTools Ethics for Illinois course fulfills this requirement.

What Areas of Study are Allowed for Illinois CPAs?

The Board states that “CPE should address a licensee's current and future work environment, current knowledge and skills level, and desired or needed additional competencies to meet future opportunities and/or professional responsibilities. Courses, programs or activities shall include as their subject matter one or more of the following fields of study:”

  • Accounting

  • Accounting (Governmental)

  • Auditing

  • Auditing (Governmental)

  • Behavioral Ethics

  • Business Law

  • Business Management & Organization (including practice development)

  • Communications and Marketing

  • Computer Software and Applications

  • Economics

  • Finance

  • Information Technology

  • Management Services

  • Personal Development (e.g., principle-centered leadership, career planning, time management)

  • Personnel/HR

  • Production

  • Regulatory Ethics

  • Specialized Knowledge

  • Statistics

  • Taxes

Allowable Illinois Course Providers

The Board accepts courses from NASBA sponsors. AccountingTools is a registered sponsor with NASBA.
Go to AccountingTools Courses

Illinois CPE Rule Reference

Section 1420.70

Illinois Board of Accountancy Address

320 W. Washington Street
Springfield, IL 62786
Phone: 800-560-6420

Idaho CPE Requirements

The Idaho State Board of Accountancy CPE requirements are noted below.

What is the Idaho License Renewal Deadline?

Related Courses

Ethics for Idaho

Annually, by June 30

What is the Idaho CPE Reporting Period?

January 1 to December 31, every other year

What are the Idaho CPE Requirements?

80 hours of CPE are required in each two-year period. The Board uses a rolling two year period.

Licensees seeking active license renewal are to demonstrate that during the two calendar years immediately preceding the date the reporting form is due that no less than 80 hours of CPE are recorded, of which at least four hours are ethics with a minimum of 30 hours in any one calendar year, and a maximum of 50 hours recorded in any one calendar year.

A minimum of 30 hours and a maximum of 50 hours per year.

The Board may grant credit for written material, though it must first be reviewed by a third party.

What is the Idaho Ethics Requirement?

At least four hours of ethics in each two-year period. Any applicant for licensure (exam, reciprocity or transfer of grades) must complete an Idaho-specific ethics course that covers the Idaho Accountancy Act and Rules.

Note: The AccountingTools Ethics for Idaho course fulfills these requirements.

What Areas of Study are Allowed for Idaho CPAs?

All NASBA fields of study are acceptable to the Board.

Allowable Idaho Course Providers

The Board accepts courses from NASBA sponsors. AccountingTools is a registered sponsor with NASBA.
Go to AccountingTools Courses

Idaho CPE Rule Reference

Rule 400

Idaho State Board of Accountancy Address

11341 W Chinden, Building #4
Boise  ID  83714
Office: 208-334-2490

Hawaii CPE Requirements

The Hawaii Board of Public Accountancy CPE requirements are noted below.

What is the Hawaii License Renewal Deadline?

Related Courses

Ethics for Hawaii

Every other year, on December 31 of odd-numbered years

What is the Hawaii CPE Reporting Period?

Through December 31 on odd-numbered years

What are the Hawaii CPE Requirements?

80 hours are required for each fiscal year.

Up to 20 hours of the CPE requirement can come from the preparation of published articles and books.

The credit for service as a lecturer is capped at 40 hours per reporting period.

Up to 40 hours of excess CPE hours earned can be carried over into the next reporting period.

What is the Hawaii Ethics Requirement?

Four hours of CPE in ethics or professional conduct in each renewal period.

Note: The AccountingTools Ethics for Hawaii course fulfills these requirements.

What Areas of Study are Allowed for Hawaii CPAs?

The Board states in its rules, “the overriding consideration in determining whether or not a specific program qualifies as acceptable continuing professional education is whether the program is a formal program of learning which will contribute directly to the professional competence of a licensee in public practice.”

Allowable Hawaii Course Providers

The Board accepts courses from NASBA sponsors. AccountingTools is a registered sponsor with NASBA.
Go to AccountingTools Courses

Hawaii CPE Rule Reference

Chapter 71, Subchapter 5

Hawaii Board of Accountancy Address

335 Merchant Street
Honolulu, HI 96801-3469
Phone: 808-586-2696