Illinois CPE Requirements

The Illinois Board of Examiners CPE requirements are noted below.

What is the Illinois License Renewal Deadline?

Related Courses

Ethics for Illinois

Once every three years, by September 30

What is the Illinois CPE Reporting Period?

Once every three years, from October 1 to September 30

What are the Illinois CPE Requirements?

120 hours are required in each three-year period.

No more than 80 hours are allowed for self-study courses, with a cap of 60 hours on non-interactive self-study courses.

No more than 24 hours are allowed in personal development courses.

One hour of sexual harassment prevention training is required.

Up to 30 hours of the CPE requirement can come from the preparation of published articles and books.

The credit for service as a lecturer is equal to the lecture time and preparation time, where the presentation time is limited to twice the lecture time, and is capped at 60 hours.

What is the Illinois Ethics Requirement?

At least four hours of ethics in each three-year period.

Note: The AccountingTools Ethics for Illinois course fulfills this requirement.

What Areas of Study are Allowed for Illinois CPAs?

The Board states that “CPE should address a licensee's current and future work environment, current knowledge and skills level, and desired or needed additional competencies to meet future opportunities and/or professional responsibilities. Courses, programs or activities shall include as their subject matter one or more of the following fields of study:”

  • Accounting

  • Accounting (Governmental)

  • Auditing

  • Auditing (Governmental)

  • Behavioral Ethics

  • Business Law

  • Business Management & Organization (including practice development)

  • Communications and Marketing

  • Computer Software and Applications

  • Economics

  • Finance

  • Information Technology

  • Management Services

  • Personal Development (e.g., principle-centered leadership, career planning, time management)

  • Personnel/HR

  • Production

  • Regulatory Ethics

  • Specialized Knowledge

  • Statistics

  • Taxes

Allowable Illinois Course Providers

The Board accepts courses from NASBA sponsors. AccountingTools is a registered sponsor with NASBA.
Go to AccountingTools Courses

Illinois CPE Rule Reference

Section 1420.70

Illinois Board of Accountancy Address

320 W. Washington Street
Springfield, IL 62786
Phone: 800-560-6420

Idaho CPE Requirements

The Idaho State Board of Accountancy CPE requirements are noted below.

What is the Idaho License Renewal Deadline?

Related Courses

Ethics for Idaho

Annually, by June 30

What is the Idaho CPE Reporting Period?

January 1 to December 31, every other year

What are the Idaho CPE Requirements?

80 hours of CPE are required in each two-year period. The Board uses a rolling two year period.

Licensees seeking active license renewal are to demonstrate that during the two calendar years immediately preceding the date the reporting form is due that no less than 80 hours of CPE are recorded, of which at least four hours are ethics with a minimum of 30 hours in any one calendar year, and a maximum of 50 hours recorded in any one calendar year.

A minimum of 30 hours and a maximum of 50 hours per year.

The Board may grant credit for written material, though it must first be reviewed by a third party.

What is the Idaho Ethics Requirement?

At least four hours of ethics in each two-year period. Any applicant for licensure (exam, reciprocity or transfer of grades) must complete an Idaho-specific ethics course that covers the Idaho Accountancy Act and Rules.

Note: The AccountingTools Ethics for Idaho course fulfills these requirements.

What Areas of Study are Allowed for Idaho CPAs?

All NASBA fields of study are acceptable to the Board.

Allowable Idaho Course Providers

The Board accepts courses from NASBA sponsors. AccountingTools is a registered sponsor with NASBA.
Go to AccountingTools Courses

Idaho CPE Rule Reference

Rule 400

Idaho State Board of Accountancy Address

11341 W Chinden, Building #4
Boise  ID  83714
Office: 208-334-2490

Hawaii CPE Requirements

The Hawaii Board of Public Accountancy CPE requirements are noted below.

What is the Hawaii License Renewal Deadline?

Related Courses

Ethics for Hawaii

Every other year, on December 31 of odd-numbered years

What is the Hawaii CPE Reporting Period?

Through December 31 on odd-numbered years

What are the Hawaii CPE Requirements?

80 hours are required for each fiscal year.

Up to 20 hours of the CPE requirement can come from the preparation of published articles and books.

The credit for service as a lecturer is capped at 40 hours per reporting period.

Up to 40 hours of excess CPE hours earned can be carried over into the next reporting period.

What is the Hawaii Ethics Requirement?

Four hours of CPE in ethics or professional conduct in each renewal period.

Note: The AccountingTools Ethics for Hawaii course fulfills these requirements.

What Areas of Study are Allowed for Hawaii CPAs?

The Board states in its rules, “the overriding consideration in determining whether or not a specific program qualifies as acceptable continuing professional education is whether the program is a formal program of learning which will contribute directly to the professional competence of a licensee in public practice.”

Allowable Hawaii Course Providers

The Board accepts courses from NASBA sponsors. AccountingTools is a registered sponsor with NASBA.
Go to AccountingTools Courses

Hawaii CPE Rule Reference

Chapter 71, Subchapter 5

Hawaii Board of Accountancy Address

335 Merchant Street
Honolulu, HI 96801-3469
Phone: 808-586-2696

Florida CPE Requirements

The Florida Board of Accountancy CPE requirements are noted below.

What is the Florida License Renewal Deadline?

Related Courses

Ethics for Florida

Every other year on December 31

What is the Florida CPE Reporting Period?

Every other year, from July 1 to June 30

What are the Florida CPE Requirements?

80 hours are required for the two-year period.

Eight hours in accounting or auditing subjects.

24 hours of governmental CPE if the CPA is conducting audits controlled by the Government Auditing Standards or the Rules of the Auditor General.

Hours taken in behavioral subjects are capped at 20 hours for the two-year period.

Published materials are not accepted for CPE hours.

What is the Florida Ethics Requirement?

Four hours of ethics that have been approved by the Florida Board, which includes a review of Chapters 455 and 473 of the Florida Statutes.

Note: The AccountingTools Ethics for Florida course fulfills these requirements.

What Areas of Study are Allowed for Florida CPAs?

The Board requires Florida CPAs to have successfully completed not less than 48 or more than 80 hours of continuing professional education programs in public accounting subjects approved by the Board. Not less than 10 percent of the total hours required by the Board shall be in accounting-related and auditing-related subjects, as distinguished from federal and local taxation matters and management services.

Allowable Florida Course Providers

The Board accepts courses from NASBA-QAS sponsors. AccountingTools is a registered QAS sponsor with NASBA.
Go to AccountingTools Courses

Florida CPE Rule Reference

Section 473.312

Florida Board of Accountancy Address

240 NW 76 Drive, Suite A
Gainesville, FL 32607
Phone: 352-333-2505

Georgia CPE Requirements

The Georgia State Board of Accountancy CPE requirements are noted below.

What is the Georgia License Renewal Deadline?

Related Courses

Ethics for Georgia

December 31, once every two years, on odd-numbered years

What is the Georgia CPE Reporting Period?

January 1 to December 31, every two years, to be reported on December 31 of odd years

What are the Georgia CPE Requirements?

80 hours are required every two years, of which at least half must be in technical fields of study.

Up to 15 hours of acceptable education completed in excess of the requirement may be applied to satisfy the CPE requirements of the following period. No carryover hours can be used to satisfy the accounting and auditing hours requirement.

Any CPA who has attained 70 years of age is exempt from the CPE requirement.

What is the Georgia Ethics Requirement?

Must complete at least four hours of ethics training in each two year period, of which one hour must be specific to the laws, rules, and policies of the Georgia State Board of Accountancy.

Note: The AccountingTools Ethics for Georgia course is available.

Allowable Georgia Course Providers

The Board accepts courses from NASBA sponsors. AccountingTools is a registered sponsor with NASBA.
Go to AccountingTools Courses

Georgia CPE Rule Reference

Chapter 20-11

District of Columbia CPE Requirements

The District of Columbia Board of Accountancy CPE requirements are noted below.

What is the District of Columbia License Renewal Deadline?

December 31 on even-numbered years

What is the District of Columbia CPE Reporting Period?

Through December 31 on even-numbered years

What are the District of Columbia CPE Requirements?

80 hours required for the two-year period.

Up to 50% of total hours is allowed for instruction, for up to two times the number of class hours.

Up to 25% of totals hours is allowed for published materials.

Up to 25% of total hours can relate to non-approved subject areas, if the CPA can demonstrate that the subjects taken contribute to one’s professional competence.

What is the District of Columbia Ethics Requirement?

Four hours of professional ethics are required.

Note: The AccountingTools Ethics for the District of Columbia course fulfills these requirements.

What Areas of Study are Allowed for District of Columbia CPAs?

Continuing education credits received from an acceptable program shall be granted for programs taken in the following subject areas:

  • Accounting and auditing;

  • Taxation;

  • Management;

  • Computer Science;

  • Communication Arts (accounting oriented);

  • Mathematics, Statistics, Probability and Quantitative Applications in Business;

  • Economics;

  • Business Law;

  • Functional fields of business including; finance, production, marketing, personnel relations, and business management and organization;

  • Specialized areas of industry, such as oil and gas, real estate, farming, or any other specialized industry;

  • Administrative Practice (accountant’s legal liability, engagement letters, and personnel); and
    Professional Ethics.

Allowable District of Columbia Course Providers

The Board accepts courses from NASBA sponsors. AccountingTools is a registered sponsor with NASBA.
Go to AccountingTools Courses

District of Columbia CPE Rule Reference

Sections 17-2530 through 17-2531

District of Columbia Board of Accountancy Address

1100 4th Street SW, Fifth Floor E500
Washington, DC 20024
Phone: 866-270-9817

Delaware CPE Requirements

The Delaware Board of Accountancy CPE requirements are noted below.

What is the Delaware License Renewal Deadline?

June 30 on odd-numbered years

What is the Delaware CPE Reporting Period?

Through June 30 on odd-numbered years

What are the Delaware CPE Requirements?

80 hours are required for the two-year period.

Must take a minimum of 20 hours of CPE per year.

Must take eight hours in accounting and auditing, as well as eight hours in taxation.

Up to 20 hours of CPE are allowed for published materials.

Class instruction time can be claimed for up to half of the CPE requirement.

No more than 30% of the required hours can be in self-study programs.

What is the Delaware Ethics Requirement?

Four hours are required every two years in a Delaware-specific ethics course that has been approved by the Board.

Note: The AccountingTools Ethics for Delaware course fulfills these requirements.

What Areas of Study are Allowed for Delaware CPAs?

The Board states that “the overriding consideration in determining if a specific program qualifies as a continuing professional education program is whether it is a formal program of learning which contributes directly to the professional competence of the permit holder.” Subject matter areas may include accounting, auditing, taxation, management services, mathematics, statistics, probability, quantitative applications in business, finance, production, marketing, personnel relations, business management and organization, computer science, communication arts, economics, business law, the social environment of business, specialized areas of industry, and administrative practice.

Allowable Delaware Course Providers

The Board accepts courses from NASBA sponsors. AccountingTools is a registered sponsor with NASBA.
Go to AccountingTools Courses

Delaware CPE Rule Reference

Section 109

Delaware Board of Accountancy Address

Cannon Building, Ste. 203
861 Silver Lake Blvd.
Dover, DE 19904
Phone: 302-744-4500

Connecticut CPE Requirements

The Connecticut State Board of Accountancy CPE requirements are noted below.

What is the Connecticut License Renewal Deadline?

Related Courses

Ethics for Connecticut

Annually on December 31

What is the Connecticut CPE Reporting Period?

Annually for the period July 1 to June 30, to be reported by December 31

What are the Connecticut CPE requirements?

40 hours are required for the one-year period.

You can carry forward a maximum of 20 hours for no more than one year.

A CPA who performs attestation or compilation services or signs financial statements on behalf of a firm must earn eight hours of the annual 40 hours of CPE in the subject areas of financial statement preparation and reporting.

The credit for service as a lecturer is limited to 20 hours per reporting period; no additional credit is allowed for repeating a lecture, unless the material is substantially different. A teacher at an educational institution can earn a maximum of 45 hours per reporting period for this work.

What is the Connecticut Ethics Requirement?

Four hours is required every three years in a course that covers ethical behavior and understanding of the Connecticut Rules of Professional Conduct or AICPA Code of Professional Conduct for CPAs.

Note: The AccountingTools Ethics for Connecticut course fulfills these requirements.

What Areas of Study Are Allowed for Connecticut CPAs?

Acceptable areas of study include accounting and auditing, taxation, management science, computer science, communications arts, mathematics, statistics, probability, quantitative applications, economics, business law, functional fields of business, behavioral science, the social environment of business, specialized areas of industry, and the management of an accounting practice. Areas other than those listed above may be deemed acceptable if the applicant can demonstrate to the Board that they contribute to his or her professional competence.

Allowable Connecticut Course Providers

The Board accepts courses from NASBA sponsors. AccountingTools is a registered sponsor with NASBA.
Go to AccountingTools Courses

Connecticut CPE Reciprocity

A renewal applicant who has a principal place of business outside of Connecticut may show compliance with the Board’s CPE requirements by certifying in writing that he or she has completed the requirements in the state of the applicant's principal place of business during each year from the date of his or her license issuance or last renewal.

Connecticut CPE Rule Reference

Sections 20-280-25 through 20-280-27

Connecticut Board of Accountancy Address

450 Columbus Boulevard, Ste. 901
Hartford, CT 06103
Phone: 860-713-6000

Colorado CPE Requirements

The Colorado Board of Accountancy CPE requirements are noted below.

What is the Colorado License Renewal Deadline?

Related Courses

Ethics for Colorado

By November 30th on odd-numbered years

What is the Colorado CPE Reporting Period?

On odd-numbered years, through December 31

What are the Colorado CPE Requirements?

80 hours are required for the two-year period.

Personal development courses are limited to 20% of the total.

Up to 50% of the CPE requirement can come from the preparation of published articles and books, as well as from instruction activities.

Learning activities that do not maintain and/or improve professional competence as a CPA will not count for credit.

What is the Colorado Ethics Requirement?

Four hours of CPE must be in ethics, of which two hours may be in Colorado Rules and Regulation (CR&R). CR&R courses must cover current Colorado Revised Statutes and Board Rules. A CR&R course must address all provisions of the applicable Colorado Revised Statutes, Board Rules, and Board Policies. Satisfactory CR&R course presentations need not be limited to two hours, however, CR&R course credit hours granted in excess of two hours will not be considered CR&R or Ethics CPE, but the excess hours will count as Specialized Knowledge and Applications as defined in the NASBA CPE Fields of Study.

Note: The AccountingTools Ethics for Colorado course fulfills these requirements.

What Areas of Study Are Allowed for Colorado CPAs?

Acceptable subjects for CPE courses are defined in the NASBA CPE fields of study.

Allowable Colorado Course Providers

The Board accepts courses from NASBA sponsors. AccountingTools is a registered sponsor with NASBA.
Go to AccountingTools Courses

Colorado CPE Rule Reference

Rule 1.7

Colorado Board of Accountancy Address

1560 Broadway, Suite 1350
Denver, CO 80202
Office: 303-894-7800

California CPE Requirements

The California Board of Accountancy CPE requirements are noted below.

What is the California License Renewal Deadline?

On the last day of birth month in either an odd or even year, matching the odd or even year of birth

What is the California CPE Reporting Period?

Once every two years, on the last day of birth month in either an odd or even year, matching the odd or even year of birth

What are the California CPE Requirements?

80 hours are required for each two-year reporting period.

A minimum of 20 hours are required in each year.

A minimum of 40 hours are required in technical subjects in each two-year period.

A minimum of 12 hours are required each year in technical subjects.

There is a cap of 50% of total hours on non-technical areas, such as communication skills, word processing, sales and marketing, motivational techniques, negotiation skills, office management, practice management, and personnel management.

Up to 25% of the CPE requirement can come from the preparation of published articles and books.

The credit for services as a lecturer is capped at 50% of the total hours; an instructor can only claim credit for a repeat presentation if the underlying presentation material has been changed substantially.

The Board does not accept courses completed in the areas of personal growth, self-realization, spirituality, personal health, sports and recreation, foreign languages and cultures, etc.

What are the California CPE Subject Requirements?

Government Auditing

If the CPA engages in planning, directing, conducting substantial portions of field work, or reporting on financial or compliance audits of a government agency, then 24 hours of government CPE are required.

Accounting and Auditing

If the CPA engages in planning, directing, approving, performing substantial portions of the work, or reporting on an audit, review, compilation or attestation services on a non-governmental entity, 24 hours of accounting and auditing are required.

Preparation Engagement

If the CPA only performed preparation engagements as their highest level of service, then eight hours relating to preparation engagements or account and auditing are required.


For those subject to the preceding three areas, an additional four hours of fraud related to the detection and/or reporting of fraud in financial statements is required. This is part of the 80 total hours required, but is not part of the 24-hour accounting and auditing, or government requirement.


At least 40 hours (50%) must be in technical subject areas, such as accounting, auditing, taxation, consulting, financial planning, Board-approved professional conduct and ethics courses, computer and information technology (not including word processing) and specialized industry or government practices related to to public accounting skills.

What is the California Ethics Requirement?

At least four hours of ethics are required in each two-year period. A Board-approved, two-hour regulatory review course with a minimum score of 90% must be completed every six years.

Note: The AccountingTools Ethics for California course fulfills the biennial four-hour requirement, while the AccountingTools California CPA Regulatory Review course fulfills the two-hour regulatory review requirement. We also offer the Tax Ethics for California CPAs course.

Allowable California Course Providers

The Board accepts courses from NASBA sponsors. AccountingTools is a registered sponsor with NASBA.
Go to AccountingTools Courses

California CPE Rule Reference

Title 16, Article 12

California Board of Accountancy Address

2450 Venture Oaks Way, Suite 300
Sacramento, CA 95833-3291
Office: 916-263-3680

Arkansas CPE Requirements

The Arkansas State Board of Public Accountancy CPE requirements are noted below.

What is the Arkansas License Renewal Deadline?

Related Courses

Ethics for Arkansas

Annually, by December 31

What is the Arkansas CPE Reporting Period?

Annually, by December 31

What are the Arkansas CPE Requirements?

Complete 40 hours within the past 12 months, or you can use 120 hours in the past three years if deficient in the current year.

Complete at least 40% of the required hours in the subject areas of accounting, accounting ethics, attest, or taxation.

License holders engaged in any attest or compilation function shall complete at least 20% of the required hours in the subject areas of attest and accounting theory/practice.

The credit for service as a lecturer is equal to twice the number of actual hours of the lecture, which covers preparation and presentation time for each program offered.

Programs in the following subject areas are not acceptable continuing education: spirituality, personal health and/or fitness, sports and recreation, foreign languages and cultures and other subjects which will not contribute directly to the professional competence of the licensee.

What is the Arkansas Ethics Requirement?

License holders must complete at least 4 hours of CPE in the area of accounting professional conduct and ethics during the 36-months immediately preceding the expiration date of their current license. Licensees must also complete one hour of CPE on Arkansas State Board of Public Accountancy specific laws and rules. This requirement may be satisfied by completing a web based course via the Board’s website or attending group training taught by a board member, board staff member, or a designee of the Board, and will count towards the 4 hour ethics requirement.
Note: The AccountingTools Ethics for Arkansas course fulfills these requirements.

What Areas of Study Are Allowed for Arkansas CPAs?

The Board states in its rules, “CPE credit may be given for a program that provides a formal course of learning at a professional level and contributes directly to the professional competence of participants. The responsibility for substantiating that a particular program meets the requirements of this paragraph rests solely upon the licensee.”

Allowable Arkansas Course Providers

The Board accepts courses from NASBA sponsors. AccountingTools is a registered sponsor with NASBA.
Go to AccountingTools Courses

Arkansas CPE Reciprocity

For a holder of an active CPA license in multiple jurisdictions, continuing education courses accepted by the jurisdiction of residence will be accepted.

Arkansas CPE Rule Reference

Rule 13

Arkansas Board of Accountancy Address

900 W. Capitol Avenue, Ste. 400
Little Rock, AR 72201
Office: 501-682-1520

Arizona CPE Requirements

The Arizona State Board of Accountancy CPE requirements are as noted below.

What is the Arizona License Renewal Deadline?

Related Courses

Ethics for Arizona

Every other year, by the last business day of the CPA’s birth month. A registrant born in an even-numbered year shall register in each even-numbered year, while those born in odd-numbered years shall register in each odd-numbered year.

What is the Arizona CPE Reporting Period?

Every other year, by the first day of the month following the CPA’s birth month.

What are the Arizona CPE Requirements?

Complete 80 hours of CPE.

A minimum of 16 of these hours must be in classroom or live/interactive webinars (which means that self-study credits are capped at 64 hours per reporting period).

A minimum of 40 of these hours must be in accounting, auditing, taxation, business law, or consulting services of which a minimum of 16 hours must be in the subject areas of accounting, auditing, or taxation.

Up to 20 hours of the CPE requirement can come from the preparation of published articles and books.

The credit for service as a lecturer is capped at 40 hours. The maximum credit allowed in aggregate for writing and lecturing is 40 hours.

The credit for service as a lecturer is the preparation and presentation time, where the preparation time cannot exceed the presentation time; no additional credit is allowed for repeating a lecture.

A maximum of 20 hours of CPE can be earned during each renewal period by completing introductory computer related courses.

There is a cap of four hours per reporting period for nano learning credits.

What is the Arizona Ethics Requirement?

Complete four hours of ethics, which includes at least one hour each of the following:

  • Ethics related to the practice of accounting, including the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants Professional Code of Conduct

  • The Arizona State Board of Accountancy statutes and administrative rules

Note: The AccountingTools Ethics for Arizona course covers both of these requirements.

What Areas of Study Are Allowed for Arizona CPAs?

The Board states in its rules, “CPE credit may be given for a program that provides a formal course of learning at a professional level and contributes directly to the professional competence of participants.”

Allowable Arizona Course Providers

The Board accepts courses from NASBA sponsors. AccountingTools is a registered sponsor with NASBA.
Go to AccountingTools Courses

Arizona CPE Reciprocity

A non-resident registrant seeking renewal of their Arizona CPA certificate shall be determined to have met this state’s CPE requirements by meeting the CPE requirements for renewal of a certificate in the jurisdiction in which the registrant’s principal place of business is located. Non-resident applicants for renewal shall demonstrate compliance with the CPE requirements of the jurisdiction in which the registrant’s principal place of business is located by signing a statement to that effect on the renewal application of this state.

Arizona CPE Rule Reference


Arizona Board of Accountancy Address

100 N. 15th Avenue, Suite 165
Phoenix, AZ 85007
Office: 602-364-0804