Managing Virtual Teams (CPE Course)
CPE Credit: 2 hours
Course Type: Downloaded PDF materials with online test
Price (with PDF Textbook): $25
Course Description
Virtual teams are a common component of many businesses, but can be difficult to manage. In the Managing Virtual Teams course, we discuss how to optimize the operation of these teams, covering such topics as maintaining accountability, building relationships, handing off work across time zones, and running virtual meetings. The result should be more effective teams, no matter how dispersed they may be.
Author: Steven Bragg
Course Number: BM1019
Table of Contents
Chapter 1. Managing Virtual Teams
Chapter 2. Collaborating Within Virtual Teams
Chapter 3. Running Virtual Meetings
Learning Objectives
Identify the management problems associated with virtual teams.
Specify how to assemble a virtual team.
Describe the contents of a launch meeting.
Identify how communications can be maintained through an extended work day.
Specify the characteristics of an ideal virtual team member.
Identify the contents of a virtual team’s code of conduct.
Recall the best approach to giving feedback to a virtual team member.
Specify the characteristics of the various communication platforms.
Specify the topics to inquire about when selecting technology for virtual meetings.
Level: Overview
Instructional Method: QAS Self-Study
NASBA Category: Business Management & Organization
Prerequisites: None
Advance Preparation: None
Latest Review Date: November 2023
Program Registration Requirements: Click on "Purchase Course" near the top of this page to pay for and access the course. You will then be able to download the course as a PDF file, then take an on-line examination, and then download a certificate of completion if you pass the examination.
Program Refund Policy: For more information regarding administrative policies concerning complaints, refunds, and other matters, see our policies page.
AccountingTools, Inc. is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have the final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website:
The NASBA sponsor identification number for Accountingtools, Inc. is 115881.
AccountingTools is an IRS Approved Continuing Education Provider. We are compliant with the requirements for continuing education providers (as described in sections 10.6 and 10.9 of the Department of Treasury’s Circular No. 230 and in other IRS guidance, forms, and instructions). Our IRS Approved Continuing Education Provider number is 72821.