Negative stockholders' equity definition
/What is Negative Stockholders’ Equity?
A negative balance may appear in the stockholders' equity line item in the balance sheet. Such a balance implies that a company has incurred losses of such size that they completely offset the combined amount of any payments made to the company for its stock by investors, and any accumulated earnings from prior periods. Negative stockholders' equity is a strong indicator of impending bankruptcy, and so is considered a major warning flag for a loan officer or credit analyst. However, it can also mean that a business is in the ramp-up stage, and has used a large amount of funds to create products and infrastructure that will later yield profits.
Example of Negative Stockholders’ Equity
Toad Manufacturing has been struggling financially due to declining sales and high operating expenses. As of December 31, 202X, its balance sheet shows $400,000 of assets, total liabilities of $370,000, and total stockholders’ equity of $30,000. At this point, stockholders’ equity is still positive at $30,000. However, due to continuing losses, the company incurs an additional $50,000 net loss in the following year. This results in negative stockholders’ equity of $20,000.
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When Negative Stockholders’ Equity Occurs
This situation is particularly common when a company has acquired another entity, and then amortizes the intangible assets recorded as part of the acquisition. This amortization can be an extremely large amount that overwhelms the existing balance in stockholders' equity. The situation can also arise when a company has had one or more periods of massive losses that more than offset the balance in stockholders' equity, and management has chosen to fund the losses with debt (a liability) rather than by selling more stock (which would have increased the balance in stockholders' equity). Another trigger for negative equity is when a company has accrued large provisions for liabilities that have not yet occurred (such as environmental remediation). This creates a loss that can offset the balance in stockholders' equity, while not yet requiring an offsetting cash infusion. Yet another cause is when a company's board of directors has elected to issue a substantial part (or all) of its stockholders' equity to investors as a dividend. This can be a preliminary step to the orderly liquidation of a business.
Implications of Negative Stockholders’ Equity for Investors
There are several implications of a business reporting negative stockholders’ equity, which are as follows:
Performance indicator. A negative stockholders’ equity position could indicate that a business has persistently incurred losses, possibly for an extended period of time. Another possibility is that the firm is a startup, and is merely incurring substantial costs while it develops products and locates customers.
Lack of stockholder liability. Negative stockholders' equity does not usually mean that shareholders owe money to the business. Under the corporate structure, shareholders are only liable for the amount of funds that they invest in a business.
Residuals available to stockholders. If a company reporting negative stockholders' equity were to liquidate, its stockholders would probably receive nothing in exchange for their original investments in the company's stock, though this depends on how much the company can earn by selling its remaining assets and settling any remaining liabilities.
Terms Similar to Negative Stockholders’ Equity
Negative stockholders' equity is also known as negative shareholder equity.