Treasurer job description
/What Does a Treasurer Do?
A treasurer is responsible for the liquidity of a business. This calls for the ongoing forecasting of cash flows, investing in assets that can be converted to cash at appropriate intervals, and operating a risk management system. The overall intent is to ensure that an organization’s assets are protected, and that it always has sufficient cash to operate in accordance with the goals stated in its budget.
Principal Accountabilities
Forecast cash flow positions, related borrowing needs, and funds available for investment
Ensure that sufficient funds are available to meet ongoing operational and capital investment requirements
Use hedging to mitigate financial risks related to the interest rates on the company's borrowings, as well as on its foreign exchange positions
Maintain banking relationships
Maintain credit rating agency relationships
Arrange for equity financing and debt financing
Invest funds
Invest pension funds
Monitor the activities of third parties handling outsourced treasury functions on behalf of the company
Advise management on the liquidity aspects of its short- and long-range planning
Oversee the extension of credit to customers
Maintain a system of policies and procedures that impose an adequate level of control over treasury activities
Treasurer Experience Requirements
A treasurer should have anywhere from three to 10 years of experience in finance or budget planning, depending on the complexity of your company’s operations and financial systems. Experience in accounting is also a valuable asset for helping with the management of your company’s finances. If your business is smaller, you may have shorter experience requirements for candidates.
Desired Qualifications
Bachelor's degree in finance or accounting. Should have a thorough understanding of derivatives, hedging, investments, bank account management, and international funds flows.
Treasury staff