Postponable cost definition

What is a Postponable Cost?

A postponable cost is an expenditure that can be delayed to a future date without having a notable impact on short-term results. Managers focusing on short-term results are more likely to target postponable costs as part of their budgeting programs. These costs are usually reduced first when a business suffers a decline in revenue.

Examples of Postponable Costs

A number of costs may be considered postponable, including the following:

  • Advertising. When a business spends money on general recognition advertising, it may be able to hold off on these expenditures for a period of time. However, promotions and other advertising that are intended to boost sales during specific periods or for specific products should not be considered postponable costs.

  • Employee training. When employees are scheduled for general training, such as safety awareness, it may be possible to delay these expenditures for a period of time. This is not the case for training that is targeted at specific job skills, where employees must complete the training before they can perform certain value-added tasks.

  • Facility repairs. When a business engages in repetitive maintenance, such as re-painting a building, it may be possible to postpone the expenditure. This is not the case for critical repairs that must be made to avoid facilities and equipment from not functioning.

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